Sunday 7 September 2008

Pessimistic Locking With Grails

By default grails uses optimisic locking with versioning. In a nutshell this means that each of your domain objects is blessed with a version field and hibernate throws an exception if you ever try to update or lock an object with an old version number. For scenarios where you are happy to handle the exception, or just report the error to the user via a UI this is fine, however when this behaviour isn't ok you need to switch to pessimistic locking. This is where the fun begins.

Unfortunately the Grails pessimistic locking support is incomplete. There are scenarios when it will work, but scenarios when it wont. As of 1.03 the docs don't make this clear. For example, let's say you have a domain object called Account...
class Account {
String name
long balance

static mapping {
version false // Required to avoid stale object exceptions when hibernate attempts a lock

Obviously updates to the account balance need to be atomic. The Grails docs suggest the following...
Account account = Account.lock(id)
account.balance += amount

The resulting SQL will look something like
select id, name, balance from account where id = 123 for update;
update account set balance = 101 where id = 123;

The above will work fine PROVIDING the account entity is not already in the hibernate session. If the account entity was previously retrieved the resulting SQL only re-selects the id.
select id from acount where id = 123 for update;
update account set balance = 101 where id = 123;

The db row is still locked, but because the account entity has not been refreshed your application could be working with stale data. The annoyance with the Account.lock(id) approach is that you always need to know the entity's id without obtaining the entity. So your code can never do
Account account = Account.findByName(name) // Maybe in a controller or other service
account = Account.lock(
account.balance += amount

My initial workaround to the above is to duck into the hibernate API and do the following
sessionFactory.currentSession.refresh(account, LockMode.UPGRADE)
account.balance += amount

Which appears ensures you have fresh data and a db lock. However this is ONLY true if your entity does not have any eager relationships (one-to-ones are eager by default). Incredibly hibernate retrieves the eager relationships before calling select for update on the main entity, meaning that the relationship data could be stale. I've tried fixing this with cascade: 'lock' but it did SFA. It now appears the best (and I use that term loosely) way to ensure fresh, locked data is to do the following
account.lock() // versioning must be disabled
account.balance += amount

An alternative is to call "discard" on the object before you lock it
account = Account.lock(
account.balance += amount

An interesting aside, which has nothing to do with grails but everything to do with concurrency is how you prepare to update multiple objects, e.g.
accountsToBeUpdated.each { Account account ->  
account.balance += amount

The above code might look OK at first glance, but what if two threads were to update an intersecting set of accounts?

Thread 1: accountA, accountB
Thread 2: accountB, accountA

If you were unlucky Thread 1 may obtain a lock on accountA at the same time that Thread 2 obtained a lock on accountB resulting in deadlock. The solution is to sort both sets of accounts using the same algorithm anywhere you attempt to locks multiple entites, e.g.
def sortedAccounts = accountsToBeUpdated.sort { a, b -> <=> }
sortedAccounts.each { Account account ->
account.balance += amount

Another concurrency scenario is when you want to modify the many side of a one-to-many relationship, e.g.
class Person {
Set subscriptions

In this case because a subscription is never shared between two people it may be ok to just lock the person object, e.g.

The reason I say 'may', is that this approach is dependent on all your other code taking the same approach when updating subscriptions and that it's not a performance bottleneck to lock the person. Choosing to lock the person is certainly an easy way to avoid creating duplicate subscriptions without the risk of a unique constraint violations.

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